Shoulder Rotation - Cable Internal

Recommendations: 2-3 Sets, 8-12 Reps, 60-80 Wght

Intermediate Side Shoulders Strength Cable Machine Flat Bench Pull Gym

Purpose: This exercise strengthens the side deltoid muscle area, specifically on the rotation of the shoulder.

Benefits: This exercise isolates the lateral delt muscle and works the inward rotation of the shoulder.

Sit on a supine (flat) bench with the right side towards the pulley machine. Set the pulley at about the height of the top of the bench. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your right hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. The left hand grips the side of the bench. This is the starting position. Pull the single handle cable attachment in an arc until it is across your abdominals by rotating your right shoulder. Exhale during this movement. Return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your right hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Sit on a supine (flat) bench with the left side towards the pulley machine. Set the pulley at about the height of the top of the bench. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your left hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. The right hand grips the side of the bench. This is the starting position. Pull the single handle cable attachment in an arc until it is across your abdominals by rotating your left shoulder. Exhale during this movement. Return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your left hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

The deltoid is a fan shaped muscle consisting of the anterior, lateral and posterior segments. The lateral (side) deltoid or shoulder is typically used raise the arm to the side. The anterior deltoid raises the arm toward the front and rotates the arm inward. The posterior deltoid raises the arm toward the rear and rotates the arm outward.

Step 1

Sit on an incline bench, right side towards the machine, cable handle in right hand, pointing to machine, upper arm tight to side.


Sit on a supine (flat) bench with the right side towards the pulley machine. Set the pulley at about the height of the top of the bench. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your right hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. The left hand grips the side of the bench. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Pull the single handle cable attachment in an arc across your abs.


Pull the single handle cable attachment in an arc until it is across your abdominals by rotating your right shoulder. Exhale during this movement.

Step 3

Return to the starting position.


Return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your right hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. Repeat as required.

Step 4

Sit on an incline bench, left side towards the machine, cable handle in left hand, pointing to machine, upper arm tight to side.


Sit on a supine (flat) bench with the left side towards the pulley machine. Set the pulley at about the height of the top of the bench. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your left hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. The left hand grips the side of the bench. This is the starting position.

Step 5

Pull the single handle cable attachment in an arc across your abs.


Pull the single handle cable attachment in an arc until it is across your abdominals by rotating your left shoulder. Exhale during this movement.

Step 6

Return to the starting position.


Return to the starting position. Inhale during this movement. Grip the single handle cable attachment in your left hand. The upper arm is locked to your side and the elbow is at 90 degrees. The hand is pointing towards the pulley machine. Repeat as required.